TPA Statement
TPA Statement
NCTO applauds both the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee for reporting out a clean TPA bill – The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015. In addition, NCTO is appreciative that accompanying legislation did not include provisions damaging to domestic job growth, manufacturing, and the U.S. textile industry as a whole. NCTO encourages both the House and Senate to swiftly pass these bills without additional amendments that would adversely impact U.S. textile manufactures.
The U.S. textile and apparel industry is a strong and growing industry employing 499,500 American workers in 2014. It is critical that U.S. trade agreements are constructed so that the U.S. can compete on a level playing field and in doing so boost American exports, create jobs, and strengthen the U.S. economy. TPA legislation will ensure that the U.S. meets these goals and creates high-standard 21st century trade agreements.