The full spectrum of the U.S. textile industry, from fiber though finished products, has been at the forefront of efforts to deploy resources to address the critical need for personal protective equipment and other medical and sanitation supplies in the fight against coronavirus.  Domestic textile manufacturers have quickly mobilized to find innovative solutions, pivoting towards and ramping up production of urgently needed medical supplies and their textile components. 

To further enhance our response to the ongoing crisis, the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), the Association of Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA) and Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) developed and conducted an industry survey to identify suppliers of medical protective equipment and their component parts.  This survey has already been used to respond to requests from the highest levels of the White House, the Administration, and on Capitol Hill to aid in combatting COVID-19.

To provide additional crisis assistance, we are making our survey results available to the public by linking it to our association website.  Access to the information contained in our survey comes with two important caveats.

  1. Neither NCTO, INDA nor IFAI is responsible for the content contained in the survey as noted in the expanded disclaimer provided below. It is simply an expedited gathering of basic information from respondents that has not been fully vetted for accuracy.
  2. Due to resource limitations, NCTO, INDA and IFAI staff are not available to respond to inquiries  associated with the survey, including requests for additional information or help in navigating the survey.  Our focus is on helping government agencies access and understand the resources available to them in the urgent effort to procure critical pandemic related materials.

We hope this information will prove helpful to you, and we thank all those who are committed to the fight to defeat the COVID-19 crisis. 


Please see a link to our directory below:



Note that information provided on this site is an accumulation of survey results designed to identify potential suppliers offering to help meet national healthcare demands during the rapidly developing COVID-19 crisis and to respond to inquiries seeking information as to the availability of related services and products from individuals and companies across the nation. Neither the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) nor the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA)—partner organizations involved in the aforementioned survey—can be held responsible for information posted or provided by any respondent or inquirer, nor the services, final product or inputs produced, supplied or exchanged as a result of the information contained herein. Rather, the information provided is for general information purposes only and no further representations or commitments are assigned either explicitly or implicitly in regard to the information provided on this site.  Further, it is the sole responsibility of any interested party to make direct contact with parties listed within the survey. Neither NCTO, IFAI nor INDA are available nor have staff capacity to answer questions regarding the information contained on this site.