NCTO Council: Industry Support
Carolinas Cotton Growers Cooperative was founded as the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association in 1922 by farmers wanting a more profitable and effective way to market their cotton crops. In 1920 cotton accounted for 25 percent of the state’s agriculture acreage and total crop value. After World War I when cotton prices fell from 40 cents per pound to 10 cents per pound, North Carolina growers were desperate for help. When the state’s delegation to the American Cotton Association’s convention in Alabama returned with favorable reports of the organizational plans proposed by California lawyer Aaron Sapiro, the Association was formed. On February 8, 1922, thanks to the efforts of B.W. Kilgore, director of the Extension Service of NC State College (later NC State University) and Clarence Poe, editor of the “Progressive Farmer” and “How Farmers Cooperate and Double Profits,” along with the cooperation of Governor Cameron Morris and many bankers, politicians, cotton farmers, and extension workers, the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association was incorporated.
Today, as the second oldest cotton cooperative in the country, we remain committed to providing the same principles our founders held dear. The Cooperative is governed by 12 producers from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia serving as the Board of Directors and is 100% owned by the members and producers of the area. Fair pricing, multiple outlets, all merchandising gains returned to the grower, full quality premiums paid to the grower and customer service are many of the reasons our Cooperative remains an important friend to the farmer. With firm financial backing through both the commercial banking system and the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC); the Cooperative continues to be a stable marketing force for today’s farmer. The mission of the Cooperative is to maximize our members’ profitability by adding value to the cotton they produce through effective and efficient marketing in a manner that encourages integrity, trust and quality service. The Cooperative has built relationships with both domestic and international customers by applying these principles and delivering our promise. We have established benchmarks in the industry others use to measure against and continue to strive to satisfy our members with innovation while maintaining stability. Since 1922 we have and will continue to deliver our promise, everyday!